segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012

Montagens shipppers

Padgett: Preconsciously, she knew this wasn’t her strength as an investigator. She was a marshal of cold facts, quick to organize, connect, shuffle, reorder and synthesize their relative hard values into discrete categories. Imprecision would only invite sexist criticism that she was soft, malleable. Not up to her male counterparts. Even now, as she pushed an errant strand of titian hair behind her ear, she worried her partner would know what she could simply guess. To be thought of as simply a beautiful woman was bridling - unthinkable. But she was beautiful. Fatally, stunningly prepossessing. Yet the compensatory respect she commanded only deepened the yearnings of her heart. To let it open. To let someone in.
The X-Files // Milagro (6x18)

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